2020 CNTA Annual Conference: Culture and Native Title - Making the Most of Opportunities

This two day conference covers two main topics: ‘Where does culture fit?’ and ‘Sourcing new Opportunities’.
Native title has had a focus on the law and customs of claimants, but after the High Court’s judgement in the Timber Creek compensation case, the broad concept of ‘culture’ and cultural loss has been introduced. How are anthropologists to understand the concept of culture as used in this legal case? In Part 1 we examine how diametrically opposed uses of the concept of ‘culture’ and ‘agency’ were interpreted by High Court judges in a consumer affairs case. In Part 2 we look at how differently positioned parties/stakeholders interested in native title compensation claims approach the notion of ‘cultural loss’.
In the second part of the conference, speakers will discuss emerging opportunities in the post-determination native title context.
A conference dinner will also be held at Naughton’s Hotel (43 Royal Parade, Parkville) at 7:00pm on Thursday 6 February. Registration and payment for the conference dinner must be made via Eventbirte (see 'Register Now' icon above) by the 30 January 2020.
See program attached below for details of all speakers and presentations.
For more infomation, please contact Jacqui Keene or Julie Finlayson.