MASTER CLASS - "Lithic Identification and Analysis"


Exciting opportunity to develop skills in stone artefact analysis:

As part of the Master of Archaeological Science Program, the School of Archaeology and Anthropology is seeking expressions of interest in a "Lithic Identification and Analysis" Master Class. The course will be open to enrolled Master of Archaeological Science students (ARCH8037 Master Class) and "external participants" on a fee paying basis. It is proposed that the classroom and practical aspects of the course will be taught between the 6th - 10th February 2017. 

The course will include 

Identifying and recording lithic artefacts

Methods of analysis

Identifying stone materials

Understanding assemblage formation

There will also be a practical component and knapping session.

Students enrolled in other graduate programs within the GO8 community can enrol on this course as cross-institutional and it can count towards the degree program. 

To show interest in participating in this course and find out more information please write to:

Rachel Wang (postgraduate administrator):

Philip Piper (Convenor: Master of Archaeological Science Program):

Please make your inquiries and show of interest before the 25th December.  

This course will only run if we have enough participants.

Date & time

Mon 06 Feb 2017, 10am – Fri 10 Feb 2017, 10am


School of Archaeology & Anthropology


Contact : Rachel Wang


Updated:  2 December 2016/Responsible Officer:  Head of School/Page Contact:  CASS Marketing & Communications