Emma Holvast

Emma Holvast

Position: PhD Candidate in Evolutionary Biology
School and/or Centres: School of Archaeology and Anthropology

Email: Emma.Holvast@anu.edu.au

Location: Room 117, Banks Building (#44) Linnaeus Way

Researcher profile: https://researchportalplus.anu.edu.au/en/persons/emma-holvast

Website: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Emma-Holvast

Emma completed her BSc and Master of Science (MSc) in zoology at Massey University, New Zealand, and began her PhD in evolutionary biology at the ANU in 2022. Emma's PhD research is developing 3D quantitative approaches for phylogenetic reconstruction, using postcranial bone morphology in the marsupial mammalian order Peramelemorphia (bandicoots and bilbies) as a case study.

My research interests include biological systematics, methodological framework development in natural sciences, and more specifically, the evolutionary morphology of mammals and birds, with a focus on museum collections-based research and the application of statistical shape analysis to modern and fossil bone.

Updated:  2 September 2024/Responsible Officer:  Head of School/Page Contact:  CASS Marketing & Communications