Graduated PhD/MPhil students
Karen Cooke (PhD)
Palaeohistopathology of Treponematosis in Human Bone
Alannah Pearson (PhD)
"Inside & Out: Virtual anatomy & celebrocranial evolution of the temporal regionsin anthropoid primates"
Inge Riebe (PhD)
"…and then we talked': Mnm Transforming Grief among the Kalam of the New Guinea Highlands
Joanne Thurman
Warlpiri materiality
Cynthia Parayiwa
A mixed-method investigation of maternal cyclone exposure and perinatal health outcomes in Queensland, Australia
Nur Newaz Khan
The Ambiguous Authority and Cultural Economy of Vernacular Biomedicine at Retail Pharmacies in Bangladesh
Sophie Pezzutto
Sex Influencers: An Ethnographic Study of Transgender Pornography Workers
Lauren Nicole Prossor
Investigating Early Natufian Sedentism: The microstratigraphy of Wadi Hammeh 27, Jordan
Sarah McGrath
The impacts of logging and hunting pressure on the northern yellow-cheeked crested gibbon (Nomascus annamensis) in Veun Sai-Siem Pang National Park, Cambodia
Aleese Baron
Archaeobotanical applications of microCT imaging.
Alexander D’Aloia
Precarious Alternative: Sustaining the Popular Solidarity Economy in Ecuador.
James Debowski
‘Our Projects’: The Journey to an Aspirational Future.
Karen Hansen
Fluid: An Ethnography of Surfing and Tourism on Siargao Island, Philippines.
Paul Hayes
The Wrestlers of Khartoum, Sudan: An Embodied Material Culture of Virility.
Callan Schultz
Working In Daylight: The Politics of Christian Experience and the Colonial Encounter in Malaysian Borneo.
Catherine Wohlan
Hunting the Past, Harvesting the Present and Owning the Future. Aboriginal Life Projects on the Dampier Peninsula, Kimberley, Western Australia.
Laura Armstrong (PhD, ICCR)
Ms Memorial Maker: the engagement of female memorial makers with the dominant narrative of war in Australia's war memorial landscape
Dendup Chophel (PhD, SoAA)
The Picnic Makers of Bongo: Developing rituals and ritualising developments in a transitioning frontier Bhutanese community
Ian Edelstein (PhD, ICCR)
A Convenient Massacre: Did Sharpeville Save Apartheid?
Rami Ibo (PhD, ICCR)
Chemistry PhD Supervisors in Australia: A Study of the Relationship between their Conceptions of Doctoral Purpose and their Reported Educational Practices
Ian Pollock (PhD, SoAA)
"Rich as a Running Stream:" The Flow of Value in Ngadhaland, Indonesia
Phil Stickland (PhD, ICCR)
Matadors and Picadors: The western relative contributions historiography of the Second World War
Mia Thornton (PhD, ICCR)
Never Waste a Crisis: Restoring Credibility at the National Museum of Australia after the 'History Wars', 2003-2013
Andrea Ballesteros Danel (PhD, SoAA)
Trans-Pacific Contact: A History of Ideas on the Oceania-Americas Connection
Penelope Bergen (PhD, SoAA)
The Development of the Culture of non-Aboriginal Government Workers in Remote Aboriginal Settlements in Central Australia: A Grounded Theory Study
Meng Cao (PhD, SoAA)
Diverse efficacy and moral complexity: the religious revival in rural China
Mohit Chaturvedi (PhD, SoAA)
Changing Practices of Meat Consumption among Hindus in a North Indian Town
Erlina Erlin (PhD, SoAA)
The Healing Corridor: A critical phenomenology of severe illness, imparment and care in Java
Elle Grono (PhD, SoAA)
Settlement at the Micro-scale: Microstratigraphy and micromorphology of transitional Neolithic settlement sites in Vietnam (5000 cal BP to 2500 cal BP)
Fina Itriyati (PhD, SoAA)
The Abandoned Survivors: newly disabled women after the 2006 Earthquake in Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Jeffrey Kinch (PhD, SoAA)
Changing Lives and Livelihoods: Culture, Capitalism and Contestation over Marine Resources in Island Melanesia
Tse Siang Lim (PhD, SoAA)
Ceramic Variability, Social Complexity and the Political Economy in Iron Age Cambodia and Mainland Southeast Asia (c. 500 BC-AD 500)
Victor Melander (PhD, SoAA)
The Coming of the White Bearded Men: The Origin and development of Thor Heyerdahl's Kon-Tiki Theory
Miranda Tahalele (PhD, SoAA)
State Ideology & Development Cooperation: The Symbolic Politics of Indonesia's South-South Cooperation
Kelzang Tashi (PhD, SoAA)
Contested past, challenging future: an ethnography of pre-Buddhist Bon religious practices in central Bhutan
Simon Theobold (PhD, SoAA)
The possibility of perfection: Living utopia in contemporary Mashhad
Yin Yang (PhD, SoAA)
Feeding ecology and conservation biology of the black or Myanmar snub-nosed monkey (Rhinopithecus strykeri)
Drew Anderson (PhD, SoAA)
NGOing in Central Australia
Jilda Andrews (PhD, ICCR)
Encountering cultural material in museum collections: An Indigenous perspective
Sana Ashraf (PhD, SoAA)
Moral Anxiety in the 'Land of the Pure': Popular Justice and Anti-Blasphemy Violence in Pakistan
Stephanie Betz (PhD, SoAA)
Virtual People: Human-Image Relationships in the Digital Age
Lachlan Dudley (PhD, ICCR)
Mental Health in Museums: exploring the impact of mental health exhibitions on visitors and community groups
Grayson Gerrard (PhD, SoAA)
Factoring the Proto-biped Infant into the Origin of Bipedalism
Anthony Jefferies (PhD, SoAA)
Australian Aboriginal Higher Order Social Organisation and the Late Holocene
Manfred Heng Seng Lai (PhD, ICCR)
A Snapshot in Time: Adolescents' Communicative Preferences through Technology
Clare McFadden (PhD, SoAA)
Palaeodemography: A New Hope
Lauren Norton (PhD, SoAA)
Between moving bodies: Power, the senses and crafting the gifted body
Anton Nurcahyo (PhD, SoAA)
Geographic variation in orangutan skulls and teeth: Implications for orangutan conservation programs
Gavin Perri (PhD, SoAA)
The ecomorphology of the Monotreme cranium and the biogeography of Australia and New Guinea
Sarah Robertson (PhD, SoAA)
Differential diagnosis of Cribra Orbitalia within the Christ Church Spitalfields via Micro-CT analysis
Kenneth Ross (PhD, SoAA)
The Identity at Death of the Young and Old from the Neolithic, Bronze and Iron Ages on the Southeast Asian Mainland
Glen Scott (PhD, SoAA)
The Late Iron Age of Northeast Thailand and Central-Northwest Cambodia: a tale of two regions
Nonie Tuxen (PhD, ICCR)
Seeking 'the foreign stamp': International education and the (re)production of class status in Mumbai, India
Maija Anita Vanags (MPhil, ICCR)
Printing Knowledge and Preserving Tradition: Screen Prints of the Tiwi Islands
Ross Wickham (PhD, SoAA)
Origins of sedentism: possible roles of ideology and shamanism in the transition
Atoing, Romzi. Federal Political Elites and the Expansion of Ethnic Politics to the Periphery State of Sabah in Malaysia (2018)
Brown, Julia. Making Health Agency: Clozapine, Schizophrenia, and Personal Power (2018)
Cave, Christine. Living with One Foot in the Grave: The Elderly in Early Anglo-Saxon England (2018)
Chang, Ying-Cheng. Journey from the Rainbow Bridge: Separated Christian Socialities in an Indigenous Truku Village of Taiwan (2018)
Hegarty, Ben. Becoming Incomplete: The Transgender Body and National Modernity in New Order Indonesia (1967-1998) (2018)
Jones, Rebecca. Transitions to animal domestication in Southeast Asia: Zooarchaeological analysis of Con Co Ngua and Man Bac, Vietnam (2018)
Kibria, Abu. Potentials of Ecosystem Services for Primate Conservation and Human Well Being (2018)
Marshall, Sylvia. Which way to Magna Hungaria? The Application of Social Stratigraphic Mapping and Analysis to an Ethnic Origin Theory (2018)
Nurcahyo, Anton. Geographic Variaties through Morphological Assessment in the Orangutan, and Implications for the Conservation Program (2018)
Skousgaard, Heather. Spirituality in the Pub: Finding voice in a monological church (2018)
Tangit, Trixie. Ethnic Labels and Identity among Kadazans in Penampang, Sabah (Malaysian Borneo) (2018)