Expressions of Interest – Opportunities for Research in Anthropology

Expressions of Interest – opportunities for research in anthropology
Are you interested in pursuing independent research in socio-cultural anthropology? The department offers a range of programs and courses, from a 3-year PhD to a single semester of supervised reading. Please fill out the following EOI form to register your interest in PhD, MPhil/Masters Advanced, Honours, or supervised coursework (currently enrolled students).
Key dates:
PhD and MPhil applications are reviewed on an ongoing basis. Enrolments generally commence in March of each year. Masters Advanced students can undertake their thesis in either S1 or S2.
For Honours applicants, please register your interest no later than 4 weeks prior to the appropriate application deadline below:
31st October for first semester entry (of the next year)
31st May for second semester entry
For ANTH3010/8001, please register your interest no later than 4 weeks before the start of the semester in which you seek to undertake supervised research.
Access the EOI form here