Burg Wolpe Medieval Castle, Germany

Nienburg, Germany

Burg Wölpe (Castle of the Wölpe Counts)

Burg Wólpe, Nienburg, Lower Saxony, Germany 01-21 September 2019

'If you have ever dreamed of being a globe-trotting archaeologist - this is your chance!

ANU Archaeological Field Schools operate in exciting and beautiful locations in Europe and Australia.

They provide the highest quality archaeological training to internationally recognised standards.

You can learn and develop your skills in excavation, recording, photography, surveying, geophysical techniques, environmental sampling, finds identification, museum curation and artefact cataloguing; and gain experience working with renowned experts in their fields.

The Field Schools include visits to extraordinary World Heritage Sites led by our teams of international expert guides.

All Field Schools are accredited for both undergraduates (ARCH2055- 6 credits) and Masters students (ARCH8030/29- 6 or 12 credits).

Undergraduates may be eligible for Overseas HELP loans up to $13,000 to cover their flights and fees:



6 units undergraduate or postgraduate

12 unit postgraduate option

The course is open cross-institutional students enrolled in an Australian university.


The Field School

  • The Castle of the Counts of Wolpe originated in 1151 as a motte fortification in the valley of the River Wolpe. It was razed following the 30 years war, when the complex was rebuilt as a home of the Mayor of Wolpe. His buildings were torn down a few years after the dissolution of the ofice in 1859. From 2011, archaeological prospection and excavations have been mounted.
  • The foundations of stone buildings have been identified dating to around the end of the 12th century. 2018 excavations will extend previous years’ work to investigate the nature of these castle buildings.
  • Finds have included medieval coins, glass and pottery. The field school will carry out post-excavation processing and some conservation works in the Nienburg Museum. .
  • Training. We assume that students have no experience in field work. Full training is provided in excavation, survey, drawing, finds recording and processing.
  • Historical Research: Students will carry out historical research and contribute to the interpretations of the site.
  • Engagement with the local community in archaeological research. The archaeological site will be open to the public for daily tours.
  • Accommodation. In 2019, students will stay in hostel-style cottages in the Rittergut. This 15th century manor was the home of the “Order of Good Knights” and was allegedly built by the legendary Baron von Munchausen.

Rittergut Brokeloh, 15th- century manor house accommodation (allegedly built by Baron von Munchhausen)

Course Fees

Additional Student Fee of approximately $3000* . (*In addition to Course/HECS/HELP fees.)

This includes accommodation and all food plus field trips to local medieval sites.

Students may be eligible for Overseas HELP Loans              


Cross-Institutional Applications

We welcome applications from archaeology students attending other Australian universities. Please see ANU guidelines: http://www.anu.edu.au/study/apply/cross-institutional-applications

Information Sessions

23 Feb 2018.

Attendance, Accommodation & Personal Equipment

Students make their own travel arrangements to arrive in Nienburg on Sunday 02 September and leave Saturday 22 September 2018. Airport pick-up can be arranged.

Students attend this intensive course 6 days per week for the full 3-week period.

Please bring a torch, walking/working boots, digging/working clothes, gardening gloves, evening clothes, water proofs, sun cream, sun hat, water bottle, as well as some money for personal expenses.

ANU will provide all tools and equipment although if you already have your own trowel then you are welcome to bring it. It needs to be a 4” (10cm) drop forged pointing trowel – either WHS/Spear & Jackson or Marshalltown are fine. These are bricklayers' trowels not gardening trowels. Gardening trowels are useless. Trowels larger than 4” are useless.

You may also wish to bring your own personal first aid kit, notebook, pens/pencils, rubbers, etc.

Each cottage has its own kitchen where students will prepare their own meals.  ANU will provide all food for breakfast, sandwiches, crisps and fruit at lunch as well as your evening meal. All students will take turns in food preparation/ cooking, cleaning the kitchen, showers and toilets.

Course Enrolment

ANU undergraduates must be enrolled on ARCH2055 Semester 2 “Nienburg”.

ANU postgraduates must be enrolled on an appropriate ARCH code course as agreed with the Project Director.

For more information contact Dr. Ash Lenton at Ash.lenton@anu.edu.au.

Updated:  20 May 2019/Responsible Officer:  Head of School/Page Contact:  CASS Marketing & Communications